Haman Nature
Haman Nature
NEOCONS For Harris | Hn 54

NEOCONS For Harris | Hn 54


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What does it mean when prominent war-hungry neoconservatives support your presidential campaign? Does it mean that you are a blood-soaked puppet of monsters? Tyrone and Adam discuss!

00:00 — Intro. A fond remembrance is given of the time that Scott Horton demolished Bill Kristol at a Soho Forum debate about US foreign policy. Link below!

04:36 — Tyrone shares the big news! Liz and Dick Cheney both endorse Kamala Harris for president! Also, Adam has a good time making fun of the so-called "punk" band Green Day.

04:46 — A discussion is had about Reagan's famous "coalition" that swept him to victory in 1980. Who joined? Who got suckered? Who benefitted? Are the neocons "realists"? Do they believe their own message?

12:01 — Adam tries to explain the behavior and motivations of neocons by using the famous "Baptist and Bootlegger" analogy.

15:10 — Adam reveals the surprising villain at the heart of the push for One World Government: Gene Roddenberry! A discussion ensues about the economics of the Star Trek universe.

18:00 — Tyrone says "violence always comes from the left". Adam agrees, and points out both of the major political parties in the US are leftist.

20:06 — Adam talks about the Horton/Kristol debate and some of the best aspects of that momentous event.

24:20 — Outro. Thanks for listening! Please consider becoming a paid subscriber at hamannature.com! '

Horton/Kristol debate mentioned:

Adam's other show: Natural Order Podcast

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Haman Nature
Haman Nature
In search of a peaceful and prosperous society using human nature as a guide.