Haman Nature
Haman Nature
Pendulums and Politics - Are We IRRECONCILABLE? | Hn 20

Pendulums and Politics - Are We IRRECONCILABLE? | Hn 20

Adam and the Porcupine talk about how crazy and abusive behavior on the left is predictably causing crazy and abusive behavior on the right, and vice-versa. How can we find balance?

00:00 – Intro: Tyranny tastes bad, no matter it's flavor.

00:38 – Introducing a "girls gone not-so-wild" video that provoked a weird reaction on the right. Plus, Adam says a mammalian-inspired bad word and talks about see-sawing pendulums.

05:02 – Tyrone brings some wisdom, pitching libertarianism as the proper path for balance. Plus, a discussion about how best to describe the philosophy.

08:20 – How does religion play into this? What are the new religions? Are they ideologies? What new hyper-moralistic tyrannies are on the rise? Left-wing? Right-wing? Both?

11:56 – The proper axis isn't left/right. It's freedom/tyranny. Tyrone issues a warning.

14:13 – Tyrone quotes a passage from Adam's article and gives some pushback. Maybe the pendulum doesn't go back and forth, but is a shrinking concentric circle. Is balance inevitable, over long enough time? Or is some energy being added to the system that makes it inherently unstable?

16:49 -- Drinking game! Adam invokes the hero myth!

20:54 -- Drinking game! Tyrone blames all bad things on fiat currency!

22:21 -- Outro

Haman Nature article cited: https://hamannature.substack.com/p/pendulums-and-politics?r=2u0knv

Article containing video mentioned: https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2024/02/29/lets-talk-the-fauxrage-and-negative-reaction-to-a-simple-viral-video-of-girls-dancing-n2170770

Site featuring the books mentioned (by Saifedean Ammous): https://saifedean.com/tfs The Bitcoin Standard; The Fiat Standard; Principles of Economics

Adam's other show: https://naturalorderpodcast.com/

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Haman Nature
Haman Nature
In search of a peaceful and prosperous society using human nature as a guide.