Haman Nature
Haman Nature
SCOTUS Pocus | Hn 41

SCOTUS Pocus | Hn 41

Monumental Supreme COURT Rulings

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Very very very loosely based on the popular '90s mail-order VCR tape series, Adam and Tyrone discuss the recent wild rulings coming out of the Supreme Court of these here United States.

00:00 — Intro. Adam is "judgy" and he wants to let you know about it.

01:30 — The very highly anticipated presidential immunity decision came down. Discuss!

07:44 — Adam finds a silver lining in the presidential immunity decision, and also a white pill coming up later in the show!

16:40 — What the hell is the Chevron deference case? Adam and Tyrone break it down.

23:51— Here comes that white pill we hinted at earlier!

28:05 — Tyrone presents a radical idea about how to ensure laws are "more constitutional".

34:27 — Adam seriously misinterprets a judicial ruling. J/K - Adam and Tyrone discuss SCOTUS's "war on the homeless".

39:06 — Adam promotes the taboo opinion that homelessness is often a choice. And then he ties this SCOTUS decision back to a previous Haman Nature conversation (ep 38) about Free Will v. Determinism (see below) Tyrone blames the Fed. Both blame the government for most of it.

53:38 – Outro. Enjoy the rest of 2024, the greatest show on earth!

SCOTUS articles mentioned: Two very interesting SCOTUS decisions.

Previous episode referenced:

Adam's other show: Natural Order Podcast

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Haman Nature
Haman Nature
In search of a peaceful and prosperous society using human nature as a guide.