Haman Nature
Haman Nature
Sen. Mike Lee, OLIGARCHY & Sausage | Hn 24

Sen. Mike Lee, OLIGARCHY & Sausage | Hn 24

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(Hey folks. Yesterday we had a glitch here at Haman Nature. Wonky audio. Links that didn’t work. It was a disaster! So I’m resending yesterday’s post today, all fixed up and shiny for you, with added links and timestamps and all the good stuff. Thanks for your patience!)

Adam sure likes sausage. Should we have an intervention and put a wedge between us and the oligarchy?

This episode is based on this Haman Nature article:

Adam sure likes sausage. Should we have an intervention and put a wedge between us and the oligarchy?

00:00 – Intro.

00:50 – Let's talk about how Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) sees the legislative process in the US.

03:35 – Tyrone sings! Also, does anyone really believe the myth of "good governance"?

07:20 – What is an oligarchy, anyway?

11:11 – Quit dodging the question, Adam! What is an oligarchy?

15:44 – Drinking game! Game of Thrones reference! Do the citizens get a break when "the great houses" fight?

20:39 -- Are we just screwed? Isn't there anything that can be done against this beast?

23:06 -- Nullification. Also, here's a white pill: The government is like Tinkerbell! Also, why on earth are Biden and AOC in the same political party?

27:05 -- How on earth can we break up this duopoly?

29:27 -- Outro. And why is Adam a "political vegan"?

Adam's other show: Natural Order Podcast.



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Haman Nature
Haman Nature
In search of a peaceful and prosperous society using human nature as a guide.