Haman Nature
Haman Nature
The GREAT Scott HORTON | Hn 36

The GREAT Scott HORTON | Hn 36

Adam and Scott have a far-ranging discussion about all manner of presidential, electoral, and conspiratorial subjects! Don't miss this one!

Watch on YouTube!

00:00 – Intro. Adam reads Scott's impressive bio and we see what Scott's up to these days, mostly his much-anticipated upcoming book, Provoked, and running the very great Libertarian Institute.

10:55 -- Adam asks Scott what he thinks about the 2024 presidential election cycle. For some reason, Ron Swanson of Parks and Rec comes up. Also (and don't be shocked) Scott goes on a rant.

27:44 -- Adam compares Trump to a mentally challenged snake-killing child. Trust us, it relates to presidential politics! Oh... and Scott goes on another rant.

35:17 – Adam asks Scott what he thinks about the 2020 election. Scott rants magnificently.

41:50 – Adam makes an argument for election shenanigans based on opportunity and human nature.

46:31 -- A brief tale of gambling in politics. What are the odds that neither Trump or Biden end up winning the 2024 election?

51:22 -- Adam makes a pitch for part 2 of this interview with Scott, which is available to paid subscribers at HamanNature.Substack.com for as little as $5/mo. Plus, another pitch for how much great work Scott does at the Libertarian Institute!

54:43 – Outro. It's fundraising time at the Libertarian Institute! Please help Scott continue the great work they do over there!

Scott's amazing website!

The best foreign policy news on the 'net! AntiWar.com

Adam's other show: Natural Order Podcast

Haman Nature
Haman Nature
In search of a peaceful and prosperous society using human nature as a guide.