I wrote about Daniel Penny back in March of this year. Take a look. In that piece, I commenting on how NYC officials seem to be embracing anarcho-tyranny. Step one: Police and prosecutors do little to nothing about rampant homelessness and the associated violent crimes being done to citizens.
But if a citizen tries to protect themselves? WHAM! Here comes step two: The full force of the “law” comes crashing down on them.
I was initially encouraged in the case because the NYC cops interviewed and released Penny on the day in question. But then the racist and ideologically blinded NYC prosecutorial system got involved and order Penny arrested and charged 3 days later.
The behavior of the judge was embarrassing. The behavior of the prosecutors was disgusting. They did everything possible to make this a race-war issue, referring to the Penny as “the white man” over and over. Neely (the drug-crazed psychotic man threatening violence to a subway train filled with innocent commuters) was referred to as “the black man” over and over.
Race, race, race. Nothing else matters. Being terrorized by a violent and clearly insane person on the subway? Sit there and take it, whitey. You don’t have the right to defend yourself. And if you think the cops are going to protect you, you’re a deluded fool.
So given how wretched the government of NYC has been for a long, long time, I was sure Daniel Penny was going to jail for following one of the most noble of virtues: defending the innocent from the violent and insane.
But I was proven wrong, and thank God for it.
The jurors looked past the racist framing of the NYC prosecutors and instead found Penny not-guilty on all counts and released him.
I’m very relieved. If it had gone the other way, our society would continue to get sicker and violent criminals would continue to be emboldened. After all, what fool would try to step in and do the right thing if they know they will be punished for their trouble?
I hope none of these racist idiots who are threatening “No justice, no peace!” in the wake of this verdict follow through with their violent insanity. I’m sick of being threatened by racists. I’m sick of kowtowing to them. I’m sick of having our justice system twisted into a pretzel to assuage their racist demands.
I hope this decision is a sign that others are sick of it too. Even (or perhaps especially) in New York City.
I hope this emboldens future good samaritans, but I fear that the harm has been done. Who wants to endure what Penny has endured all this time, even if justice eventually will prevail? What I would like to see but don't expect is the prosecutors being charged with malicious prosecution.
This was the best possible outcome. I really hope the tide has turned and people are sick of the nonsense. “Their” society is one where good people are injured and bad people are released to do harm over and over. How could such a society thrive?
“Their” society is not thriving. It’s clear. Hopefully clear to all.