Jul 25Liked by Adam Haman

There's a school of thought that if the job is so hard that only a few people can perform it, then you must alter the expectation. Much like Ford was able to dumb down assembly of complex automobiles to simple tasks done by individuals, complicated "brain work" must be subdivided into simple tasks (that might someday be performed by AI) so that anyone can perform the task.

Never mind that it is far less efficient, productive or fulfilling. As long as the "average" or slightly below can perform the task, that's all that matters. Slap a warm body with a pulse in that cubical and if they screw up, well, that means your management skills are lacking. And if your management skills are bad, what's that say about the whole chain of command? That's the fundamental argument for DEI.

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Jul 29Liked by Adam Haman

We we’re supposed to have 30 years of it then affirmative action was going to fix everything. We would all have equalized it all out and then we could move forward having all of us on equal footing. I remember that from the 60s.

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Yup. Nothing is as permanent as a temporary government program.

“15 days to flatten the curve…”

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