Not sure if you are familiar with the field of research Intelligent Design, but I think its something you will find interesting. Non-religious arguments for a creator. Lots of nerdy biology and chemistry talk, but the arguments are very compelling, without the religious baggage.



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I'm not intimately familiar with ID, but I've seen enough to be very interested. Some compelling arguments. Some nonsense.

I am curious about where all the information came from. Also, how wildly complex some of the smallest and most "basic" parts of life are.

Can't say I'm convinced, but I'm definitely interested.

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Yea who's to say if it is legit or not, its still taking other people's analysis of things, but does seem like there may be something to it IMO. And if nothing else, the people involved at least seem to care about doing proper research, not the type with predetermined outcomes to please financiers

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Yes, the ID stuff is interesting, but you're still left with the same ultimate problem that is unanswerable by us mere mortals and that is - if there is a creator, then where did the creator come from? It's an infinite regress and ultimately not that useful for figuring out how an individual should live their life in this universe.

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May 21Liked by Adam Haman, Tyrone the Porcupine Hobo

Ok fair enough, but I dont think I said or implied anything about it figuring out how one should live life.

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