I was as big an advocate for RFK as you could be without being on his staff…and I have never been a fan of trump, but this crazy world we’ve imprisoned ourself in with the bureaucratic state is going to take everyone filling their role. Trump’s role is to win the election, because he has the juice and the machine to do it. Sadly RFK was never given any footing. It was a glass mountain covered in seed oils. I’ll advocate for this unity because I dislike the state more than I dislike Trump.

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Aug 29Liked by Adam Haman

This essay was moving and reminded me of my sister. She is a Democrat because she can't help it living in CA, but she seems to be becoming disgruntled. I encourage that by providing information and alternative data. I sent her this piece and her response was "Did RFK endorse Trump?" For me, RFKs endorsement was hard to miss, but if the deep state can use the media to keep people ignorant, then anything is possible.

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So true.

The author also lives in California. Her journey is an interesting one - and hopefully not so rare.

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absolutely marvelous, love the perspective

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I totally agree! And I'll tell her you liked it.

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As someone who hasn't been too plugged into the RFK candidacy, what "dirty tricks" did the DNC pull?

Also, isn't this the first time we're not at war since the 90s?

And aren't Trump and the Republican Party's policies directly opposite of RFK's policies? National abortion bans, environmental deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, repealing the ACA, etc?

Trump doesn't even believe in climate change and promised big oil executives that he'll massively cut regulations if he wins. Right??

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It's difficult to respond to you without being rude, but I promise you that I'll try. If you have been watching or reading any news at all and you don't know what the DNC has done to RFK, you aren't "not plugged in". You are siloed.

The US is still at war. An enormous proxy war in Eastern Europe and a smoldering Special Ops war in the Middle East. We currently have two carrier fleets in the Red and Mediterranean Seas. Also, Deep State politicians from both parties are saber-rattling about war with China over Taiwan. To blithely say "we're not at war" is horribly wrong-headed.

According to RFK himself, his policies don't align very well with Trump's, but he feels that what the Democrats have metastasized into over the last couple of decades is much much worse. He (like my friend who wrote this piece) can't recognize the modern Democrat party. It has become completely captured by the military industrial complex, neocons, and corporate criminals.

There are elements of the GOP that want a national abortion ban, but Trump has stated clearly, over and over that he does not. He thinks it should be decided in each state.

If you fear environmental deregulation in a Trump administration, having RFK on board is exactly what you want to see. Who better to push Trump in a good direction on this matter?

I believe you are severely misinformed about climate change, energy, and how humans should handle our problems going forward, including whatever threat climate change poses. I highly recommend Fossil Future by Alex Epstein as a corrective.

Thank you for reading my friend's article. I liked it a whole lot, and I know many former Democrats for whom these thoughts resonate strongly.

I apologize if my rebukes are/were harsh. I believe you have been fed a lot of misinformation. Picture the way a Fox News viewer was "informed" about world events during the first 20 years of this century (or even now). I feel that you are suffering the left-wing version of that - as so many others are.

Again, thanks for reading.

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Aug 30Liked by Adam Haman

You are a hero

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I appreciate your response. I do generally keep up with the news, but I haven't seen or read anything about what the DNC has done to RFK. Are there any articles you suggest I read? As far as I know didn't RFK switch to independent way before the Democratic primary in like October last year?

We are arming Ukraine against Russia's invasion, but that seems like a pretty sweet deal to me. It's a tiny part of our (overly inflated) defense budget and we're mostly just sending over old equipment. We're fighting an authoritarian dictator without having to sacrifice any American troops.

I do think we should put a lot more pressure on Israel though and stop sending them weapons.

I also think we should defend a democratic ally like Taiwan if China attacks them. The expansion of authoritarianism is definitely a threat. We are the deterrent that is currently keeping China from attacking Taiwan.

Ehhh idk about your third paragraph. If anything, the policies of the Democratic Party have moved further left and more anti-corporation over the last decade. Biden's NLRB policies have been way more progressive than Obama or Clinton. Antitrust laws are finally starting to be enforced. Student loan forgiveness was helpful to a lot of people. Allowing Medicare to negotiate prices with drug companies is a huge help. Capping insulin at $35/month is awesome.

Trump has said that he doesn't want a national abortion ban. But why should we believe him? Even each state having its own abortion laws is a disaster. Some states like Texas have laws against helping a woman travel to another state to get an abortion. If a girl gets pregnant in Texas, they would have to have the money to travel out of state without help. And Texas is a massive state.

Doctors in Texas couldn't even remove a dead fetus from a woman until she passed out bleeding, in one case. It's disgusting.

Why would Trump listen to RFK on environmental deregulation? Once he's in office, he's free to throw RFK under the bus. All he did was listen to the corporations in his first term by giving them massive tax cuts and stripping clean air and clean water regulations.

Oh come on, you can't seriously be recommending Alex Epstein - the guy who's paid by fossil fuel companies for 'consulting services'! The guy who said that rising CO2 levels are good because plants like CO2! He doesn't even accept that humans are causing significant changes to the climate! That's as far from RFK as you can get.

I don't mean to be rude either but I think you're being quite gullible. Like RFK, I don't want more conservatives on the supreme court - I want Citizens United to be overturned so that we start getting corporations out of politics. Like RFK, I want a stronger EPA that can address climate change and mandate that we have clean air and water. Like RFK, I want the Voting Rights Act to be reinstated. Like RFK, I don't want Presidents to have absolute immunity from official acts. And like RFK, I want abortion to be safe, legal, and rare nationwide. Democrats agree with all those things. Trump doesn't.

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I agree with you about Israel. Your other points are numerous and I'll just let them be. As far as articles describing what the DNC did to RFK Jr, you can search for them yourself. The topic has been discussed widely.

Or you can directly listen to the way RFK Jr. describes his campaign and his choices. I think this is an excellent speech. I encourage you to give it your attention all the way through.


And again, thanks much for reading.

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