Recently, on a “crossover” edition of my YouTube show Haman Nature with economist Bob Murphy, we talked about how some people have recently been throwing around the term “woke right” to describe people not on the political left who are said to be acting like the woke left.
Enjoyed all your crossovers with Bob Murphy, and I think I heard his interview with Gene Callahan, too.
The "woke" problem strikes me as the worst of human psyches, as you've explained. It's neither a "Left" nor "Right" thing, although it's built into the desire to identify with some spot on the political spectrum. I'm completely off the spectrum; I'm un-woke 🤣
This year is certainly going to be interesting.
Enjoyed all your crossovers with Bob Murphy, and I think I heard his interview with Gene Callahan, too.
The "woke" problem strikes me as the worst of human psyches, as you've explained. It's neither a "Left" nor "Right" thing, although it's built into the desire to identify with some spot on the political spectrum. I'm completely off the spectrum; I'm un-woke 🤣