Mar 6Liked by Adam Haman

Great post, as always.

While it isn't mention in the post, the military is really struggling to hit their recruitment targets. (Except the Marines.) I suspect that's in no small part due to the "civil duties," as you put it, angle so much of their modern recruitment efforts employ.

There are hundreds if not thousands of organizations that provide people with the opportunity to flex their "civil duties" muscle, and they generally don't come with the same sort of baggage rightfully associated with the U.S. war machine. The military has a unique market advantage; it allows mushy-brained young men an outside chance to kill "bad guys." No church group, NGO, or non-profit can offer that sort of opportunity.

If the military's primary concern was protecting the country (it ain't), it would use this advantage. But instead it's prioritizing pandering to Tumblr sensibilities at the cost of effectiveness. Just like far too many male feminists, it puts a ton of effort into being seen as the good guy, while still doing truly terrible things when nobody is watching.

I can't say I'm all that torn up about the military failing to hoodwink kids The Law deems too young to buy cigarettes into joining their death-cult. I'd just rather they do it while being honest with the public that they bomb twelve times as many hospitals as they construct.

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Another disturbing difference between the two ads. In the earlier one, the kid noticeably became more skilled and mature through the process. He learned from his elders. He turned himself into something formidable.

In the current ad, the kids are treated as though they already have all the answers, all the skills. Nothing to learn from elders. After all, the current mess is all their fault.

To the ice floe, gramps!

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Thank you!

And I agree with all your additional points. I’m kinda used to all that awfulness.

But jeez… the next greatest generation? Brrrrrr. Sends shivers down my spine.

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