May 8Liked by Adam Haman

Having been an employee of the company with the lowest customer satisfaction ranking in America, and having the guts to wear my uniform and employee badge in public, I'm pretty sure I've eaten more than my fair share of line cook loogies. But I try not to think about it, and learned to always tip extremely well for good service. Many biases and prejudices can be overcome with money and voting with your feet. There's the old saying in customer service that one bad experience will take out 5 additional sales (or 10, depending on who's telling the story), and these days if something goes viral it can destroy a business. You might not like a group of people, but are you willing to die on that hill?

Downside is that some people won't or cannot move on. They get the state or the courts involved. They expend hours of time and thousands of dollars (millions if it goes to the Supreme Court), that could have been put to use backing a startup competitor that wasn't so racist, in an attempt to force the racist to change their stripes. And like most animals when cornered, the racist shopkeeper will strike back, instead of just giving lousy customer service.

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This is one application of awareness recursion. When activists raise awareness about their issue, they put its narrative in everyone's "mirrors," where most of the time there would have been nothing there. Culture is not what people believe; it's what people believe people believe. Raising awareness of something literally creates it.

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I totally agree. Our beliefs, filters, attitudes, etc, literally alter our perceptions. Fill the zeitgeist with racist "awareness", and you create a whole lot of perceived racism.

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May 6Liked by Adam Haman

Wait... gambling amongst Asians is huge? 🤣

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Lol. Shhhhh! Don’t tell anyone!

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Big, if true.

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Big… “trouble”, one might say?

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