I'll bet you could help unpack a similar situation that happened on The Bob Murphy Show 308. His guest Owen Benjamin brashly but effectively argued against "anarchism," but his definition was the one in which no one has power over anything, so everyone just runs amuck. This definition gave Benjamin a huge sound-bite advantage, since it is completely unsubtle, and so Bob had trouble countering it in equally simple terms. I wonder what you would make of it.

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I watched that episode and it was an absolute train wreck. I thought Bob was much too "meek" in it. Owen's points were idiotic and easily refuted, but Bob just kinda... didn't.

I think Bob makes a point of being very kind and respectful to his guests - which is good, of course. But he still could have refuted Owen. It was painful that he didn't.

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Yeah, maybe that's it. Bob left a lot on the table, and I wasn't sure why.

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38 minutes left and the show seems over! Well said, Adam & Tyrone! Good stuff. Folks need to wake up to the reality of the Marxist manipulation of language.

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