Somewhat tied to the Tik Tok issue, we have a new contender for conservatives ushering tyranny, the alleged bastion of freedom, Florida.


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Yeah. Republicans are just as wedded to big government as Democrats are. I'm sympathetic to the conservative's impulses on this one. I think these apps and sites are trash for kids. I think that over time, parents would demand a market solution to help them keep their kids off them.

But as we both know, this one-size-fits-all freedom-bashing approach will only yield unintended consequences and black markets. Using force to "save" people does much more harm than good.

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Oh yea don't get me wrong, the surface reason ain't bad, but we all know the slippery slope effect. What I do find quite ironic though is the alleged pro-family party that preaches being a parent, is now abdicating parenting to the state. Again. Back to the point of your post, when will they ever learn??? About half past never is my guess

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Oh just wait til they're begging for a militarized border if/when Trump wins. Then things get real fun.

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No. No, they will not ever learn. Although, I did not know Tucker was opposed, and I am impressed. He has learned. His audience loves him; maybe he will be able to teach them.

This makes me want to finish my (long) free-speech article, which I almost finished in 2022 and have all but abandoned. It includes chiding the right for their dumb Patriot Act and their dumb rumblings about regulating social media, while the Twitter drama was unfolding. I thought the moment was gone. Nope!

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It's like watching small children playing with Molotov cocktails...

... in our house with us all tied to chairs and gagged.


Also horrifying.

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