While I have my opinion of what happened, neither mine, or anybody else's matters. Hell, what really happened isnt even the most important thing particularly since we will never know (still waiting on those JFK files). What really matters is what this will be used to justify and what they are concocting while everyone is distracted by all the rapid fire big stories in recent weeks (nearly everyone forgot about Assange already). Among everything else they are throwing at us, they are looking to break brains, and in that they are very much succeeding imho. The engineered pendulum swings went hard this time with the right calling for people to be silenced and the left asking questions (although I do suspect that is mostly out of spite). Its actually quite an interesting spectacle to witness. Strange days indeed.

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The strangest days. Keep yer head on a swivel, brother.

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Hanlon's Razor applies.

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Yep. It usually does. A great frame to keep in your back pocket.

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