May 31·edited May 31Liked by Adam Haman

"It almost makes you wonder if these fatties aren’t agent provocateurs."


Tin foil hat time. IMO the same people who are propping up Trump with the persecution/prosecution theater, playing off people's rightful distrust of the establishment (what better way to get your guy in than to make it seem he's not your guy?) got to people in the LP, and between giving him the stage, and then nominating that Chase clown, effectively handed Trump the presidency. Chase being gay and all his advocating child mutilation and drag queen story hour bullshit, will pull over Dem voters while also sending LP members to Team Trump (rigging elections does not always mean cheating, manipulation of the minds of the voters is far easier and legal). He proved his loyalty in 2020 (well most of his presidency if one truly looks at it objectively), and his supporters have shown themselves to not only support any bullshit he does, but to also operate as attack dogs against anyone who dare question Dear Leader. Whatever 'they' have planned, they need the people with the majority of the guns to to stay seated like good little puppies when told to. Covid era policies would have never taken hold the way they did if Hilary was in office (same can also be said of the Patriot Act, the ones with guns begged for it). And whatever comes next, the response wont be accepted if Biden is in office. Wasnt something said when fascism comes to America, it will be draped in 'patriotism'?

Or, since the verdict yesterday, the cult is in a frenzy and in the perfect state of mind to blindly march into another J6-esque fed trap/false flag and give the Biden admin the 'justification' needed for all sorts of horrible measures to fight 'domestic extremism'.

It goes one of those two way, I can all but guarantee. And either way, its bad for everyone. Dark days ahead. I tend to not stress things, especially political matters, and I hate to sound like the doom peddlers I have nothing but contempt for, but I trust my gut more than anyone or anything, and I am troubled by the possibilities. More than ever in my life, I hope I am wrong.


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It's a chaotic time. Much is in flux. Danger lies all around.

We must proceed wisely.

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We are certainly in an 'expect the unexpected' situation.

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