Essential Things

From time to time, I stumble across things that I think people just have to have. Here is where I keep a repository of these essential things, and a link through which you can get them!

Many of these things will be books containing information or concepts that I just don’t think a person can do without.

If you click through the links here to buy these things, Haman Nature will receive a commission (at no extra cost to you). So, if you are convinced that you need these things as much as I think you do and you use the links on this page, you’ll not only be improving your life, you’ll be helping me out.

So, thank you very much in advance!

Review of Fossil Future – Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal and Natural Gas ...

I have no idea if any aspect of the “climate change” alarmism has any merit, but I do know that the proponents of this idea are lying. Some to themselves, some to all of us. I also know that mankind needs access to energy or all our lives become completely wretched.

This book cuts through all the nonsense you hear about this issue like a knife through butter. It is easily the best source I’ve come across to understand the truth of fossil fuels, why we need them, what their impact on the earth is, and what the proper path forward for our species and our world actually is.

Don’t sleep on this book. It’s extremely good!

Download Free The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by ...

The Righteous Mind is an earth-shattering book. Once you read it, you will finally understand why people act and speak in the bizarre way that they do. You will also understand yourself better. It’s a real paradigm-shifter and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

The mental model that we all learn about people and how they think is wrong. It’s almost backwards. We portray ourselves as “perfectly rational” beings, but it just ain’t so. We “can” apply reason. Sometimes we do exactly that. But not often, and not about the most important things.

After reading this book, you will have a much much clearer picture of how we think, where our values come from, and how to navigate in a world filled with people who so vehemently disagree about fundamental things.

And also how to change that!

  • More coming soon!

