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Feb 27Liked by Adam Haman

A lot of this stuff comes from two sources: The DSM-V and the Obama Brain Initiative. Researchers began shoving test subjects into FMRI machines, observed what part of the brain lit up under certain stimuli and came to a conclusion that fit their observations. Then clinical psychologists began doing the same thing, and came to the conclusion that the brain-body connection is tenuous.

Then the plastic surgeons (who were reeling from the DOW chemical breast implant lawsuits and "body positive" changes in attitude), found a new market in elective surgery. Except now instead of the rich husband paying for the new toys, it's the healthcare insurance system under the guise of mental health. Cha-Ching! And big Pharma gets a new outlet for those chemical castration drugs the courts force on sex offenders. Winner winner!

And where is the media in all this? Now that they've gone completely National Inquirer it's just another freak show to get a rise out of the reader.

The "anything goes" attitude of the grey haired hippies and GenX slackers doesn't help either. "Not my kid, not my problem" is no way to run a society. "Keep Portland Weird" and "What happens in Vegas" turn out to be pretty lousy ways to raise your children. Never mind the disaster that is San Francisco.

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